Sunday, May 29, 2011

thiamine deficiency in dogs

!±8± thiamine deficiency in dogs

thiamine deficiency in dogs may be several problems with the ships of your pet and nerve damage. It can also be your dog in situations that would otherwise not worry, I'm stressed. Thiamine is considered the anti-stress vitamin because it helps strengthen the immune system of the dog and improved its ability to handle stressful situations.

If a defect is severe in this vitamin, is towards a loss of nerve cells that lead to a loss of reflexes, and finallythe death of your dog.

Thiamine, vitamin B1, is a member of the Class B vitamins are soluble in water and your dog's body does not store this vitamin, and as a result, your pet must receive an adequate intake in the diet or through some type of supplement . Why is a water-soluble vitamin, it is virtually impossible toxic to your dog, even at very high doses. Excess of a water-soluble vitamins excreted in urine.

Causes of thiamineShortage:

thiamine deficiency in your dog will usually be through consumption of too much raw fish or raw meat in the diet causes. Raw fish is extremely dangerous, especially herring, smelt, or catfish. The fish contains an ingredient known as thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys thiamine is known.

Originally thought to be only a concern for the cats, feed your dog raw fish is as much if not the major concern in dogs, simply because they eat more than cats. Raw meat is also dangerous for your dog.Not only in a thiamine deficiency, is also very low in calcium. Raw meat with the treatment of bacteria and parasites, especially those that can easily lead to salmonella poisoning in your dog.

thiamine deficiency may also be feeding your dog an unbalanced diet or food that has been caused to be processed. However, perhaps the main reason for this lack of sulfites in your dog. Sulfites are naturally occurring compounds that are useful in the prevention of microbial contaminationGrowths can be and are widely used on fruit to keep their original color.

However, they are also used as a preservative in many commercial dog food and interfere with the absorption of thiamine in the body of your dog. If you use commercial dog food, it is extremely important in order for brands that do not look at this chemical as a preservative.


There are many symptoms that you in your dog, who may be able to monitor the development of a thiamine deficiency. L 'past the first symptom is a condition called patients. This is a condition where the skin of your dog begins to flex in a downward position and the chin begins to lower and rest in the middle of his body, instead of square.

Your dog will also start to put their weight on his hind legs to walk, and get immediate response. With the increase in the deficit, their hind legs look almost as if they were constantly in a crouched position with a much more extensiveand their hind legs very stiff.

The next symptom that you can see is ataxia, a medical term that means without order. This is a very serious situation for your dog as they are started, they show different disturbances in their ability to control his body. Starts to go in a very shaky, because they are losing their coordination. However, it can be much more seriously.

Ataxia can also affect the nerves of the face and the effecttheir eye movements. If you notice any abnormal eye movements, it's time to get to your veterinarian as soon as possible. If severe enough, this condition can also on the brain of your dog.

If this is done, you begin to see even more strange developments through the eyes of your dog. The muscles around the eyes are paralyzed, and therefore will have very limited movement of the eyes and the pupils become fixed and improved. At this stage, thiamineScarcity now threatening the life of your dog.

There are symptoms that can affect your dog with a deficiency of this vitamin, and may be so severe in some cases. Although beriberi is assumed that only a shortage of staff, many of the same symptoms can affect your dog. This lack affects the nervous system of your dog, and as a result may be members of the same cause tingling beriberi affects people

If you notice that your dog starts to lick alltheir feet almost in a chronic form, it may be because, with burning or tingling, but unlike humans, they have no way of communicating it to lose than others.


If the dog had a severe thiamine deficiency, the veterinarian will immediately begin injections of thiamine for several days to several weeks depending on severity.

When you make your dog raw fish or raw meat of any kind of regular basis, you mustto stop immediately. You also need to check very carefully the type of food you buy, if the commercial use in food and make sure there is no sulfites used as preservatives.

However, the best form of thiamine deficiency treatment in dogs, to ensure that they do not develop a deficiency at the beginning. A liquid or a liquid multivitamin tablet a day can easily provide your dog with a sufficient amount of thiamine.

To stimulate the immune system and dogsmake it even stronger, you can also sprinkle with a tablespoon of yeast in your dogs food once a day. A tablespoon contains 1.25 mg of B1, thiamine, and can be purchased at any pet store or health food store, and is a very economical way to completely eliminate your dog ever this deficiency.

thiamine deficiency in dogs

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